Tuesday, February 17, 2009

as strong as the weakest link..

if there is a god, he put me on this planet so my friends would have someone who understands them. and if god doesn't exist, then perhaps i'm just lucky enough to have friends i understand.


Unknown said...

I accidentally a whole coke bottle

Anonymous said...

gonna make me cry

Bubble guts and Mud Butt said...

I decided a few nights ago to end my misery, so i did what anyone would do, i took 6 or 7 percocet, some valium and half a bottle of whiskey. then i jerked of about 6 times to rape porn, for some reason rape porn is essential in plots to take my own life? anyways I sadly awoke the next day around 5 pm covered in my own vomit and I had pissed my self, while i was very angry that my suicide attempt didn't take my life I was happy that my urine had washed the cum stains off my pants from the night before. life can be rough, I just keep waking up and avoiding herpes.