Monday, May 25, 2009

gets me everytime..

above (from left to right): Ghetto John, Helliña

i can't help but lol everytime i see this picture.

Monday, May 11, 2009

courage and honour

can't wait to see how uriel gets out of the eye of terror and back to macragge..

the emperor protects.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


can't believe i forgot this was coming out tonite..
i've got two hours to make it to the theatre to get in line.

star trek has, almost exclusively, a white demographic. the last thing i want to endure is a bunch of blipsters, walking around, singing paper planes, talking about their swagger..

Monday, May 4, 2009


murdered out.
enki's next.

we've all got things to do, amirite?

above: a list that was found being used as a bookmark in a book entitled "BLACK RAGE"

i like how he felt the need to put "(to carry)" on #8. god forbid that you don't understand what you mean when you write something down..

Sunday, May 3, 2009


about 1.5 hours in..

2 hours later (and some assembly) later
i can't believe i ever stopped.
this was probably my favorite hobby as a child; the only difference is: now i'm articulate enough to actually paint something.