Friday, April 18, 2008


for the first time ever, i've created a blog. a friend of mine said that blogging her recent thoughts and adventures might help her better remember them. i can hardly remember what i did even last week. so here i am, 9:03 am EST, trying something new and original..


i'm at the wombat(mike)'s parent's house in kentucky right now. my brother got here last night. and the day before, mike and i went to a funeral for my friend's grandmother. it was definetly one of the more brutal funerals that i've been to. and my thoughts lately are especially haunted by the funerals i know are coming, but even moreso by the ones i don't expect to attend any time soon. i'm aware of my remaining grandparents age and health conditions, and for the most part they're doing well. they may live to see the great-grand children i might give them, but probably not long after. those funerals i know are coming. i'm aware of the extreme drug problems a few of my friends have. those funerals i know are coming. but what about all the others? i mean, i don't really expect tim to get mauled by a car while busting a mean track skid down north ave, but what if?

i'm finally tired.

1 comment:

tracy said...

never would have imagined you would be blogging...

i like it though, you're very articulate...